Pinned📚EvoVerses: The five masters — Story #2The audience screams excitedly from the grandstands, a vibrant tide of color in which there is not a single empty seat. Since Ward Media…Jul 24, 2022Jul 24, 2022
📚EvoVerses: Una noche inolvidable — Relato #4 [Spanish]Los dígitos del reloj proyector marcan las 2:34 de la madrugada, iluminando tenuemente la estancia con su luz azulada. A Luka le está…Sep 4, 2022Sep 4, 2022
📚EvoVerses: An unforgettable night — Story #4The digital alarm clock read 2:34 in the morning, dimly illuminating the room with its bluish light. Luka is having a hard time falling…Sep 4, 20221Sep 4, 20221
📚EvoVerses: El Evo perdido — Relato #3 [Spanish]Una pequeña figura descansa a los pies de un majestuoso roble. El sol ha comenzado a esconderse, tiñendo el cielo de un precioso color…Aug 21, 2022Aug 21, 2022
📚EvoVerses: The Lost Evo — Story #3A small figure rests at the foot of a majestic oak tree. The sun has begun to hide, dyeing the sky a beautiful orange color. Some call…Aug 21, 20221Aug 21, 20221
📚EvoVerses: Los cinco maestros— Relato #2 [Spanish]El público aúlla emocionado desde las gradas, una marea vibrante de colores en la que no se alcanza a ver ni un solo asiento vacío. Desde…Jul 24, 2022Jul 24, 2022
🚀Getting Ready for the MIGRATIONTomorrow (or today, depending on where you are located) is the big day: we will start the migration of our farms from the old farm contractApr 29, 2022Apr 29, 2022
MIGRATION DATE! 🔥(and announcements)Following our previous announcements, we have another post with more exciting news today. Are you ready?Apr 26, 20221Apr 26, 20221