Hi everyone! As promised, we will give more info about everything related to the launch. This will be a long message, so let’s start!
The first thing to announce is that we have just created a Medium page where we will publish longer updates and info about the project. You can find it on this link: https://evoverses.medium.com/about, so make sure to follow us there!
Let’s continue with announcements.
Right now, we are negotiating terms with some launchpads to launch and reach even more people (and making it way more secure for you, our community).
We can’t disclose which launchpads we are talking about since we have to close our agreement first, but we will update you once it is ready. But don’t worry, the whitelist will be respected.
That is something we require to launch with them.
So let’s talk about the whitelist.
Whitelist or not?
We are a small community, so to grow faster and reach more people, we are doing a whitelist, as most projects do. But we will make sure to make it interactive, fun, and also that you don’t need to spend hours and hours to get a spot on it.
So, let’s talk about the ranks. Right now, we have two special ranks: OG role Master role. People got the OG role on the first day of being public in the community as a way to thank them for joining that early.
But, until now, we haven’t disclosed what special perks we will give them, and some people were getting sad thinking it would guarantee them a spot on the whitelist.
It would be unfair for other users, but at the same time, they deserve something from being with us since the beginning.
So, what are we going to do?
OG Role
People in this role will get the following “perks”:
- The special color in the chat
- An entry to the public giveaway we will do just for OG users with some whitelist spots
- A special clothes set in the character creator inside the game (once it is launched)
- An exclusive set of furniture to decorate the house inside the game An exclusive in-game title (under their names) when playing in the Social or Co-op modes
Master Trainer Role
This role is for the people who boost the server. Boosting the server is important since it allows our server to have many essential perks.
So people helping us every month should have some recurring benefit, as a way to thank them for their help, isn’t it?
So, these are their benefits:
- The special color in the chat
- Having access to an exclusive channel where we can have more direct communication and also where we share the news a few hours sooner
- Access to the private beta of every product (beta running in the Testnet, just to try and give feedback). Keep in mind this is not available yet, but it will be soon for every product we launch.
Now that we have clarified the current special roles let’s talk about the new role: Whitelisted Trainer.
Whitelisted Trainer
As the name says, this role is just for the whitelisted users. They will have access to an exclusive channel where we will be sharing more info about the whitelist sale and how to do it, and also, they will have access to some commands to be able to whitelist their wallet.
Token launch and DEX launch
We have decided to launch both things on the same day. Why? Because that way, once you purchase the token, you will also start using them by staking and providing liquidity.
That way, you will start earning from the very first day.
Obviously, DEX won’t be available until the tokens from the launchpad are not unlocked.
When will be the launch day?
Since we are still finishing our negotiations with the launchpads, we don’t have an exact day, but you can put a mark in your calendar: it will be in 3 weeks. One day in 3 weeks, we will launch.
So, in other words, one day between the 28th of March and the 3rd of April.
We hope to give you an exact date this week, once we finish our negotiations.
Harmony Grant
We have received lots of questions about this if we will apply, and so on. Yes, we will apply for the Harmony grant, and we will ask you for your support on that!
We plan to submit our application between this week and the next one; once it is done, we will share it with the entire community!
Growing Team
We have started growing the team, and we are looking for one or two people (part-time) to help us create events and engage the community.
We are still answering all the applicants, and we are also open to new submissions, so if you are interested, check the channel!
How to get a whitelist spot?
We will celebrate several events between tomorrow and the 28th of March, where you will be able to earn a whitelist spot.
Just to name a few of them:
- A public giveaway (a giveaway for every user in the Discord community)
- A private giveaway just for the OG role
- A fan-made content contest
- A meme content contest
- A trivial contest
- A lore contest
- Some Discord “Pokemon” battles (that fits the server topic, isn’t it?)
- And a few extra surprise events 👀
AMAs and more content
We have already announced we are growing our team with community managers.
Still, we will also be releasing more info and details about the project in our new Medium account (and in our Discord) so that everyone understands better the project itself.
We are also scheduling a few AMAs, and we will be announcing them (and their hosts) between today and tomorrow (and also, we will create the events on our Discord).
Gameplay footage and launches
As we answered yesterday in the AMA channel, we have been developing the project since June (and getting our first team members in September).
Still, we have not been working in the PvP mode until one and a half months ago since there are too many things to do before working on that (like planning and designing all the Evos, lore, stats, economics, and also back-end services).
We are eager to show you some PvP gameplay and even allow you to join in some alpha versions but keep in mind our project is not just a PvP game.
It is also a DEX and has lots more services. So we don’t want to opaque all that work with gameplay footage.
First, we will release our DEX (probably first the Pro UI mode and later on the gamified version, since right now the Pro UI mode will be way more helpful for the investors).
After that, we will show our community gameplay and alphas for the PvP mode.
But don’t worry, I am the first who wants to duel you in an Evo combat!
Final thoughts
I know this has been a long message, but I think it was full of news and information.
I believe a crucial thing in a project is to be transparent with the community, and I will make sure we, EvoVerses, will always be.
I am trying to give you always the news and updates as they happen! I also believe in quality over quantity and speed.
I am eager to show you gameplay content; I am eager to launch the Social mode and play with you all, but… We have a roadmap, and we have to follow it; it is the only way to make this successful.
So the only thing I can ask is to be patient, keep being active on EvoVerses and let’s make this project go to the moon!
Thank you all for your time and for being here! 💙
Our Socials:
- Discord: https://discord.gg/evoverses
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/EvoVerses
- Docs: https://docs.evoverses.com/
- Website: https://evoverses.com/
- Telegram Channel: https://t.me/evoversesOfficial
- Telegram Group: https://t.me/evoversesOfficial
Lots of users are asking us if they have no time for the giveaways and contests if they will have any other chance to get a whitelist spot. And the answer is yes, you will!
Just be active on our Discord (you probably have seen the levels bot running in the server, that is the reason for that bot being there) and use the invitation link to get more people in our community (so they can discover our project), we will gift some whitelist spots to the top members!